Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unwanted Hospital Visit..

   Sunday was day #1 of sickness. I pretty much slept alllll day just to get away from the nausea. Monday started well but went downhill around 3pm..that's when I started to think about heading to the hospital. I woke up tuesday, I was planning on going to the hospital, but I felt fine when I woke. I ate breakfast and took a shower a while after and I felt really lightheaded  and wound up losing my breakfast. So I gave up fighting and I decided to go to the hospital. 

   Mom had the day off so she and Wayne came down to take me so I wouldn't be alone. When I got there I had to give a urine sample so they could tell if I possibly had a UTI cause those are a big NO NO when you're prego. And they gave me some fabulous anti-nausea medicine(which I got a prescription for and I plan on using those as ammunition when pregnancy gets the best of my stomach) We waited a pretty long time, I think mostly just to get my urine sample back to see if I had a UTI or was dehydrated.  They finally decided to give me an IV of fluids, I was glad though cause I knew that would definitely make me feel better.  I had mom come in and sit with me after they put in the IV (hunny you owe me a nice dinner for that IV!) The IV took 30 minutes to go in. It was so weird, my arm was cold from the fluids going in..ICK! haha they gave me an orange popsicle too to make sure I wouldn't throw up easily.

don't I look sexy?

 The biggest thing that made me not stressed about the IV (besides my impending doom in 5ish months) was that the girl behind the curtain to my right got a fricken SPINAL TAP and I had to listen! Basically she got an epidural but instead of putting stuff in they took stuff out. Poor girl was crying and her hubby was nervously tapping his boots. I said a lil prayer for her. It sounded bad, but I heard her say it wasn't as painful as it was just plain scary. So that made me not as scared about getting an epidural.
After we left, I was supposed to pick up my prescription but that was gunna take an extra hour+ and I hadn't eaten in basically 48hrs. So I decided to go back when they opened the next morning to get it(and I wound up only waiting 20min!) We went to Hometown shouldn't "buffet" after something like that, and I didn't haha I'm not dumb hello! I only had 1 plate of food and it was delicious and I savored every flavorful bite! PLUS I didn't throw it up! HOORAY! I went to bed around 10 and prayed for a full night of sleep and baby jesus blessed me! I only woke up once to pee..typical. Oh sweet slumber! Thank God for modern medicine and thank God for free health insurance!! woohoo!

I love you hunny! You better be out havin fun petting baby tigers and playing in the Thai jungle!! (while I'm here puking and getting IVs..jerk!)<3 you!


  1. Gwen I'm so glad you finally went. Getting an IV of fluid can make a huge difference when you are pregnant and drugs never hurt!!! Glad you are on the upswing!!! Love you!!!

  2. I know! I'm glad I went too! who knows how bad it would have gotten or how long it would have drug on for!

  3. alison- drug never hurt? I LOVE drugs... thanks for the news!
