Sunday, January 30, 2011

2nd Trimester officially!

I'm starting to "feel" pregnant. I feel like I'm more aware of my belly now..hopefully that means I'm going to pop a real belly soon so I'm not just fat. Makenzi and I did an aqua bootcamp class on thursday night and yoga friday morning and I woke up kinda sore on saturday. Yoga was pretty intense though, not like the usual slow and meditative ones I've done before. You spend a good amount of time kinda upside down during yoga and I seriously thought I was going to puke at one point cause I had eaten not long before the class haha

I'm 13 weeks officially and in my 2nd trimester!! woohoo! I've heard it's the easiest part of pregnancy, which is something to look forward to. Even though my 1st wasn't THAT bad. I'm just so excited to start getting my belly and to find out the gender of our baby!! I have just over 2 weeks till my ultrasound and I am SO STINKIN EXCITED!!!! I went to Babies' R Us today with Makenzi and we both couldn't stop saying "I wish we knew what we were having!" Cause girl clothes are so cute and there's so much to choose from and if it's a boy I want to get some cute little man things to make him look just like daddy! Get ready for some camouflage and Carharts! (and of course some little vans to better fit mommy's taste)

This is a 4mo baby at my work named Lylah, she seriously is a beautiful baby. she makes me want to have a girl! She has blue eyes and dark curly hair and super long cute! (sorry it's sideways, forgot to rotate it)

I'm got so upset as I uploaded my belly picture for this's been 3 weeks and my belly has barely hasn't really changed that much from 8 weeks..which was 5 weeks ago! :( ugh.
13w 2d

1 good thing did come from this weekend..besides getting some exercise. Mom showed me how to make deviled eggs! woohoo! yummy in mama's tummy!!

and i'm craving some right now!

Love you hunny!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1 month down..almost

Today is Jon's first day on ship. Up till now he has been on base in Okinawa prepping their vehicles for the rest of their deployment. So now he is on ship heading to their first location. I don't know how long it will be till I will get a message from him or the ever savored Skype conversation. I'm guessing 2 or 3 weeks. It sucks, but I'm hoping time will go by faster since I won't be waiting for him to write or Skype me everyday and hopefully the days will start to blend together and Feb. will go by fast cause march is already halfway!

I plan on Blogging almost everyday now that he and I don't have daily communication so when he does get internet access he can see what I've been up to. So sorry if my blogs get short and boring but I what Jon to know how I am day to day and the daily development of our little nugget.

Yesterday I had some dull achy in my "lower abdomen" it was kinda on the right side too which I thought was odd. But it wasn't bad enough to distract me from my day. So I took it easy and didn't lift any kids at work (my co-worker Mioko always gets on my case about lifting things haha) Today I felt it again but it wasn't on the right side specifically.

Hunny, I've been trying to eat healthy more and I went to the store and bought a bunch of chicken breasts so if all else fails I have chicken. So yesterday I had a chicken salad and today I had chicken with rice and green beans. I'm tryin' hunny I am!

my yummy salad with peppered chicken and delish caesar dressing.
keepin the portions right! I guess I coulda had less rice haha but it was GOOD! and I had more greens but I ate a bunch before this picture.

Yesterday I also went to Babies' R Us before I had to go back to work at 5. I didn't put too much on the registry yet, just things I knew I wanted/needed. But I need to research other products before I add more.    And so everyone knows, I'm not going to announce the gender of our lil nug til my baby shower. I don't want to end up with boxes and boxes of pink and frilly fun things but no useful things. But you will find out at or after my shower. Since I hadn't finished my registry at the store I spent an hour or so today figuring out what I needed to register for. I had quite the baby station set up.

Love you Hunny, miss you!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


It's been 2 weeks and 2 days since Jon has left..dumb. i feel like it's been a month. At least in 2 more weeks we'll be 1 month down 5 to go.

I'm so thankful that I get to talk to Jon basically everyday, and I try to savor it cause I know a time is coming soon when I won't hear from him and I won't know the next time I'll hear from him. Things have been going pretty lousy he's worked everyday since he got to Okinawa, except for the very first sunday they were there. Hopefully he'll get lots of rest on ship.

Pregnancy wise i've been feeling fine, a little yucky most the time and it's kinda starting to feel uncomfortable when I lay on my stomach..I'm gunna miss that cause I sleep on my stomach and when I'm on the computer or reading in bed I always lay on my stomach:/
I just told my boss that I'm prego, so I'm over that hurdle. For some reason I thought she'd be upset or something. She's just intimidating haha
A fellow marine wife and I (she's a week less prego than me) made an appt at this place in Murrieta that does ultrasounds that can tell you the sex of your baby at 14w rather than 20w . I was a little skeptical at first but there was a mom at my work who had it done at 13w(for medical reasons) and their prediction was right. So I figure, what they hay..I'll do it and if it's a good view then it's probably right. 

Today I decided to do something that Jon has been asking me to do since we got back for WA...hang his cougar hide on the wall. It spent a few day rolled up under the dining table. Then a few days rolled up in the closet. Today I wanted to clean our bedroom, but there was a dead cat in the way of getting in and out of the closet. I decided it was time to put it up to get it out of the way.

If that's not an act of love, idk what is..seriously! that could give a girl nightmares.

I've been struggling with watching what I eat recently, since Jon has left I just don't feel like cooking. I guess I just don't see the need to cook one:/ But I had a few ideas for dinner this week. Things I could make and store and reheat for lunch/dinner the next day too. So the first night I made spaghetti with turkey meat..the second night I went out for a burger(shh!) but tonight I was gunna cook tuna and noodles. Then I remembered I'm not supposed to eat tuna. So I substituted chicken instead. It was really good and there's plenty of leftover for tomorrow! It's just egg noodles, chicken, and cream of mushroom soup. While I was at the store I broke and got some ice cream (I am pregnant ya know!)..but i got minis, portion control hunny!

Love you hunny!

Friday, January 14, 2011

A boring but pregnant weekend.

Nothing exciting to post about today, but I just wanted to talk since I don't have my hunny here to talk to. 
I spent about 2 and a half hours this morning at Firestone getting my brakes worked on. The guy who spoke with me said that my front brake pads had pretty much worn all the way down and had I waited any longer it would have started grinding metal on metal:/ oopsies

I came back to mom's after so I wouldn't go out and wind up shopping (see hunny, i'm trying!!) but I winded up sitting on the couch and now I just feel so gross and FAT haha
-just a side note. I feel like I am gaining weight, cause I look bigger, at least to myself..but every time I get weighed I'm the same weight. idk, weird. but I can't wait to get my bump so I don't look so fat!

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be a little more productive cause I felt like a piece of poop today. ugh, I think i'm just gunna drink a glass of ice water and go to sleep. 

-another side note, I think I may go gander at wedding dresses tomorrow since I do have a wedding in the nearish future and I kinda want to try a few on while I'm still near my natural shape. cause I BETTER get back to this size after this baby!! it's not like I was in awesome shape anyways haha 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baby DeBoer makes it's first appearance!

Today I had my first real prenatal appt, and I met the doctor who I am going to see at every visit and who (if things go as planned) will deliver my little bundle. She was really nice and personable. I've heard a lot of bad things about the hospital on base, but I feel like every time I go, I come across at least 1 really helpful doctor/nurse. There was a random nurse who helped (for 1, find where the heck I was supposed to go) get me checked in with my doc and move my med file along. And of course my doc was what I was hoping for.

At my appt. they did anything and everything you kinda wouldn't hope to go through. I got a "well woman check up" (aka: we're gunna do a lot of stuff below the belt) a pap smear, they wanted to do a vaginal ultrasound but ended up doing a normal one(whoo!) I was very lucky to have my mom there with me. Although I am married and an adult, i have never had an exam like that and was very happy to have my mommy there to hold my hand hahaha
after all the exams and dignity loss, we got to see our little baby:)

The baby had a normal heartbeat that we got to see and hear, it even danced a little for us. I can't wait to be able to feel it move so I can feel exactly where it is. I also cannot wait to find out what sex it is!!! I have 10 more weeks:(( ugh, I've already waited that long just for this first ultrasound.
this pic shows a lot of skin..but this blog is mostly for my husband so suck it up! nothing is showing! that coppertone tan line;P

a lil side view of our nugget waving it's little arm in the air! "yo mama!"
The doctor talked to me about getting a flu shot because pregnant women are more at risk to become very ill with the flu and in some cases die. Now I'm pretty healthy and I don't see myself as someone who could die from the flu. But I want to do whatever I can to protect myself and my baby. I figured if I was gunna get a shot, I might as well go and do it right then (cause i had my mommy there with me!) I hate shots so fricken much. My mom said "do I need to slap you to distract you from the shot?" haha no! but I did grip her like I was on a roller coaster and squeeled just a little. Jon, you and this heathen child owe me so stinkin much for all I'm doing for you two!!
but i did get a red crayon band-aid..
I have the most amazing video of my ultrasound, but this dumb blog thing couldnt upload it so maybe i'll upload it to facebook or youtube or somethin..

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Moldy Adventure..

When Jon and I returned home from washington we were pleasantly surprised to find a horrible leak above our bedroom window. We had been gone for 2 weeks and during that 2 weeks southern ca had some really horrible rain. so not only is there a leak..but the water had probably been there for over a week.

Mold is always a sucky thing..but I'm 9 weeks pregnant. Mold is NOT ok with me. 
Water stains on my curtains:/

icky mold

idk what that hole is from, but thats where the water is coming from and it runs down the blinds.
The next morning i went to the apt office to have someone come look at our leak. Since it was still raining he couldn't go up on the roof or repair the holes since they were still wet. But he did clean the gutters which was prob causing a build up of water. Anyways, I've come to my mom's for the weekend and as far as i know the maintenence man hasn't come back. But i did bleach the mold before i left and it hasn't been raining so i plan on going home tomorrow and stomping my feet until they install new blinds and clean my carpets!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Adventures.

Our year started in Washington State. We went north for 2 weeks to visit Jon's family for Christmas since he got 2 weeks of pre-deployment leave. It was exciting to visit Jon's hometown and family for the first time and also very relaxing to get away for a little while. We really needed a vacation!

We left WA on January 1st, it was a long, long drive. Luckily we split it into 2 days. But I still think Jon and I don't want to be in a car again for a couple of months.

A beautiful view of WA from my passenger pov..and my cheeseburger warming in the sun!

We reached home at midnight on the 2nd. Poor Jon had to work the next day on very little sleep. Jon had a short work day so I made him take me to Babies 'r' Us since he wouldn't be here for a lot of baby stuff. We returned home and were doing random prep for Jon's deployment when we got a call saying Jon was going to be leaving the next day (Tues.) rather than Thursday..oh the life of a Marine.

January 4th, 2011:

My first thought waking up was "I have an hour and a half til i have to hand my husband over for 6 months."  Jon had to be at the barracks at 7:30am, we ended up getting an hour to be together before they left. They boarded the bus and left for March Airfield Base at 8:50. This is the most depressing picture, so idk why i took it. But this is a view no family member of a Marine wants to see.

It just so happened that this day was my first prenatal doctor's appt..and of course Jon couldn't go. My roommate Mary offered to go with me and I was so happy to have someone to go with me. I thought I was going to have my first ultrasound, but I ended up just doing paperwork and getting blood taken. Which was horrible! I felt so dizzy and faint after. Thank God I didn't pass out or vomit. I can't wait for the 11th to finally get to see our lil inch long baby! 

     It's more of pudge than baby bump, but thats my "belly" at 9 weeks!