Sunday, January 30, 2011

2nd Trimester officially!

I'm starting to "feel" pregnant. I feel like I'm more aware of my belly now..hopefully that means I'm going to pop a real belly soon so I'm not just fat. Makenzi and I did an aqua bootcamp class on thursday night and yoga friday morning and I woke up kinda sore on saturday. Yoga was pretty intense though, not like the usual slow and meditative ones I've done before. You spend a good amount of time kinda upside down during yoga and I seriously thought I was going to puke at one point cause I had eaten not long before the class haha

I'm 13 weeks officially and in my 2nd trimester!! woohoo! I've heard it's the easiest part of pregnancy, which is something to look forward to. Even though my 1st wasn't THAT bad. I'm just so excited to start getting my belly and to find out the gender of our baby!! I have just over 2 weeks till my ultrasound and I am SO STINKIN EXCITED!!!! I went to Babies' R Us today with Makenzi and we both couldn't stop saying "I wish we knew what we were having!" Cause girl clothes are so cute and there's so much to choose from and if it's a boy I want to get some cute little man things to make him look just like daddy! Get ready for some camouflage and Carharts! (and of course some little vans to better fit mommy's taste)

This is a 4mo baby at my work named Lylah, she seriously is a beautiful baby. she makes me want to have a girl! She has blue eyes and dark curly hair and super long cute! (sorry it's sideways, forgot to rotate it)

I'm got so upset as I uploaded my belly picture for this's been 3 weeks and my belly has barely hasn't really changed that much from 8 weeks..which was 5 weeks ago! :( ugh.
13w 2d

1 good thing did come from this weekend..besides getting some exercise. Mom showed me how to make deviled eggs! woohoo! yummy in mama's tummy!!

and i'm craving some right now!

Love you hunny!

1 comment:

  1. I think your belly does look different! But, it really doesn't start to grow out until about now anyways, especially with your first! Don't worry, you will be big and out of breathe in no time and then wishing for a small belly! ;)
