Wednesday, January 19, 2011


It's been 2 weeks and 2 days since Jon has left..dumb. i feel like it's been a month. At least in 2 more weeks we'll be 1 month down 5 to go.

I'm so thankful that I get to talk to Jon basically everyday, and I try to savor it cause I know a time is coming soon when I won't hear from him and I won't know the next time I'll hear from him. Things have been going pretty lousy he's worked everyday since he got to Okinawa, except for the very first sunday they were there. Hopefully he'll get lots of rest on ship.

Pregnancy wise i've been feeling fine, a little yucky most the time and it's kinda starting to feel uncomfortable when I lay on my stomach..I'm gunna miss that cause I sleep on my stomach and when I'm on the computer or reading in bed I always lay on my stomach:/
I just told my boss that I'm prego, so I'm over that hurdle. For some reason I thought she'd be upset or something. She's just intimidating haha
A fellow marine wife and I (she's a week less prego than me) made an appt at this place in Murrieta that does ultrasounds that can tell you the sex of your baby at 14w rather than 20w . I was a little skeptical at first but there was a mom at my work who had it done at 13w(for medical reasons) and their prediction was right. So I figure, what they hay..I'll do it and if it's a good view then it's probably right. 

Today I decided to do something that Jon has been asking me to do since we got back for WA...hang his cougar hide on the wall. It spent a few day rolled up under the dining table. Then a few days rolled up in the closet. Today I wanted to clean our bedroom, but there was a dead cat in the way of getting in and out of the closet. I decided it was time to put it up to get it out of the way.

If that's not an act of love, idk what is..seriously! that could give a girl nightmares.

I've been struggling with watching what I eat recently, since Jon has left I just don't feel like cooking. I guess I just don't see the need to cook one:/ But I had a few ideas for dinner this week. Things I could make and store and reheat for lunch/dinner the next day too. So the first night I made spaghetti with turkey meat..the second night I went out for a burger(shh!) but tonight I was gunna cook tuna and noodles. Then I remembered I'm not supposed to eat tuna. So I substituted chicken instead. It was really good and there's plenty of leftover for tomorrow! It's just egg noodles, chicken, and cream of mushroom soup. While I was at the store I broke and got some ice cream (I am pregnant ya know!)..but i got minis, portion control hunny!

Love you hunny!


  1. Hey Gwen!! I had an early ultrasound with all my boys and they were right on. It's fun to go early and get a peek if you really want to know ;) Also, you can eat tuna; it's just not good to eat it like a crazy woman. Really, just don't do raw tuna-sushi! I really miss sushi ;)

    I'm glad you are hanging in there without Jon. And it is definitely love to hang that up! I don't know if I would even touch it!

  2. Hey girl I am proud of you hang in there, keep busy time will fly by soooo fast, trust me I know! I am so proud of you for hanging that, I would not even touch that, girl you know me! You are aloud to cave in on ice cream! Let me know how your doing, us military wives have to stick together!
