Friday, March 25, 2011

just need to release a little.."steam"

I just feel like anytime anyone says anything to me my blood pressure raises. I think it's a combination of Jon being gone and being pregnant. But I feel like I don't want to talk to anyone for fear of tearing their heads off. I have been told more "no shit" things in the past few weeks it's starting to make me wonder how stupid people think I am. I have more common sense than most people I know and I just don't understand why people continue to think I have not thought about whats going on. Anything from being married, to Jon being deployed, to little nonsense I post on FB. 
I'm sorry to sound like a crazed angry person, but I have no one to talk to so this is my only option. 
All I do all day is sit around and think about my life, Jon, the Marine Corps, being pregnant, having a baby, and anything else you can possible think of. So chances are I'M AWARE of the situation.

I need to go kick something.


  1. hahahah thanks, I've actually gotten 2 positive responses now to my P.O.'d blog! woo!
