Saturday, March 5, 2011

Keepin Entertained

 So while I've been sitting sick at home I've been trying to find things to do to keep busy. I watch a lot of random tv, scrapbooked a little, research honeymoon stuff, and I go out back to play with the dogs once in a while. I went to Barnes and Noble to look at Arizona travel books, and when I came home I went out back to say hi to the dogs and play some fetch with Henry. I called out to the dogs but only Jordie came...that's when I think "Crap, Brom got out and Henry followed him". I start to walk around to look for an escape route..and instead I find this...

Brom has officially turned Henry into a digger,

Brom being very proud of his work.
I figured I'd let them dig cause 1.) They weren't digging OUT of the yard..or are they..? and 2.) It was in the middle of nowhere in the yard so it's not like they were ruining a garden or the lawn..just weeds. So I cheered them on and took pictures and videos. Dumb Dogs. Later I was playing fetch with Henry and he knocked his ball into one of the smaller holes. He dug after it for a little but then forgot about it, so I figure either he'll get it later or the gopher has some cool new material for a nest. I'll have to see if they continue it today and maybe take some measurements.


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