Monday, April 11, 2011


I went to Barnes and Noble today to look at some "daddy-to-be" books to see if I could find one worth sending to Jon. I had about 4 and I wanted to sit down and look through and compare them. The store in Temecula recently got rid of their big plush chairs to sit in, and it's a (stupid) rule that you can only sit in the Cafe area if you've bought something from the cafe. I walked around the store twice looking for somewhere to sit. They don't allow you to sit on the ground. And I'm not gunna pop a squat as that's retarded and it would hurt my legs. I decided to just forget the stupid rule and sit in the cafe area. After being there for like 30min a lady came by and asked if she could get me something from the cafe, I said "No, thank you." She then told me the rule. (and like 6 people got up and left cause they were doing what I was doing.) She said "There's benches over there for you to sit on." and pointed to the magazine area.

This is the point where I wish I could have turned into the Hulk. I even said "Even though I'm 5 mo pregnant, thanks." She didn't reply. I wish I could have said "I'm 5 months pregnant. I'm not sitting on a fricken stone bench with no back support!" AHHHH! I wanted to throw her across the room. They totally used to have chairs. Then got rid of them. What about the seniors who go in there that can't stand for 30minutes flipping though books to see which they'd like to buy. I can't even stand for 10 minutes without my knees starting to hurt. PLUS their drinks at the cafe are higher priced than normal starbucks! I ain't gunna waste my money!

Well guess what Nards and Boble?! I'm buyin a KINDLE! and I'm gunna buy all my books off AMAZON or get ebooks so your dumb store will go out of business! I was totally a fan of Barnes and Noble before. But not anymore! 
The best I could do was leave my pile of books and just walk out. I still wish I could have thrown her across the room.

I hate book stores! stuck up nerds!

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